JUMP TOSpirii APIIntroductionAuthenticationVersioningSpirii APICharge Records v2Get a list of CDRsgetGet a single Charge RecordgetTransactions v2Get a list of transactionsgetGet a transaction by IDgetSpirii Legacy APILocationsRetrieve a list of locationsgetRetrieve location by IDgetUpdate location dataputEVSE'sRetrieve a list of EVSE's with their current statusgetRetrieve a EVSE's with their current statusgetTransactionsRetrieve a list of transactionsgetRetrieve complete transaction data by IDgetCharge RecordsRetrieve the charge records datagetRetrieve complete charge record data by IDgetApp UsersRetrieve a list of app usersgetRetrieve a app usersgetVoucher GroupsRetrieve a list of voucher groupsgetRetrieve all information about a specific Voucher GroupgetUpdate a voucher groupputVouchersRetrieve a list of vouchersgetRetrieve a specific vouchergetUpdate a voucherputDisable a voucher (sets it as expired)deleteHubjectRetrieve a list of all chargers published to Hubject including pricing, products, availability & statusgetRetrieve a list of all chargers published to HubjectgetRetrieve a list with status of all published chargersgetRetrieve a list of all published EVSE's with their assigned productgetRetrieve a list of all products published on HubjectgetPowered by Get a transaction by IDget https://api.spirii.com/v2/transactions/{id}Returns a single Transaction from a given transactionId.